Materials with tag “Fr. Taras Gorpynyak”
December 14
Homily by Fr. Taras Gorpynyak on the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost
November 17
“The prayer of the poor rises up to God”
September 29
“Who can help us the most, if not the Most Holy Theotokos?” Bishop Mykola in Wayville
September 14
Homily by Fr. Taras Gorpynyak on the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
May 12
Homily by Fr. Taras Gorpynyak on the Seventh Sunday after Easter
May 1
“Spilne Sviachene” in Wayville
February 11
Homily by Fr. Taras Gorpynyak on the Cheese-fare Sunday