Materials with tag “Fr. Simon Ckuj”
December 2
Bishop Mykola received the highest award from the Sovereign Order of Malta
December 2
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the Church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus in Rome
November 21
Eighth Federal Parliamentary Interfaith Breakfast in Canberra
October 14
First press conference of cardinal-designate Bishop Mykola Bychok held in Melbourne
October 8
Bishop Mykola Bychok Meets Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I
September 7
Homily by Fr. Simon Ckuj on the Feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos
August 5
Celebrating the 45th anniversary of St. Volodymyr’s Church in Wollongong
July 3
Parish Feast in the Cathedral
May 5
Homily by Fr. Simon Ckuj on the Sixth Sunday after Easter
February 17
Homily by Fr. Simon Ckuj on the Orthodoxy Sunday
December 4
Parish Feast in Sydney
November 12
Solemn Holy Communion in Sydney