Pastoral visit of Bishop Mykola to Darwin

January 8, 2024

These days, Bishop Mykola Bychok, Eparch of Melbourne, together with Fr. Ihor Holovko, Synkellos for Clergy of the Melbourne Eparchy, are on a pastoral visit to Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. As part of this visit, they took part in a joint Christmas Eve celebration and celebrated the Divine Liturgy for the Ukrainian faithful.

Pastoral visit of Bishop Mykola to Darwin

Darwin is one of the most remote mission centres in the Melbourne Eparchy. Therefore, each pastoral visit is a special opportunity for the faithful to receive the sacraments, join the liturgy in the Ukrainian language, and, in the end, gather together.

In the evening of January 6, in the parish hall of the Cathedral of St. Mary’s Star of the Sea in Darwin, a joint Ukrainian Christmas Eve was held, at which, in addition to Bishop Mykola and Fr. Ihor, were the representatives of the local Catholic clergy: Bishop Eugene Hurley, retired bishop of the Diocese of Darwin, and Fr. Tom Jose Pandiappallil, CMI, Administrator of St. Mary’s Star of the Sea Cathedral Parish. More than 35 people gathered for the joint Sviatvechir; there were many mixed couples, and the presence of a large number of children was a great joy. As Bishop Mykola shared, “Perhaps for many Ukrainians present, in particular for people who came from the East of Ukraine, this was the first such experience of the traditional Christmas Eve with 12 lean dishes on the table. We carolled a lot, congratulated each other, and shared the joy of the feast of the Theophany.”

Also, during this joint dinner, Bishop Mykola told those present about the main mission of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Australia, New Zealand, and Oceania, which is to gather all our people together in a single community, because now, more than ever, it is important for us to be united.

On January 7, Bishop Mykola, in co-service with Fr. Ihor Holovko and Fr. Dean Taberdo, Assistant priest of St. Mary’s Star of the Sea Catholic Cathedral Parish, performed the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the Holy Spirit Catholic Church in the suburbs of Darwin.

Addressing the faithful during the homily, Bishop Mykola paid special attention to the person of St. John the Baptist and the example of his life for us. “Today we celebrate the Synaxis of St. John the Baptist, about whom Christ himself says: ‘among those born of women, none is greater than John’ (Lk. 7:28). He was the voice of one crying in the wilderness. He was the voice of truth among the people. He was the voice of truth regarding King Herod himself; he was not afraid to come to him and point out his sin. Today, the entire Ukrainian people are the voice of truth in the world, which sometimes cuts the ear of many powerful people in this world and is not acceptable. Let our voice in Australia not tremble to be the voice of John the Baptist in these days,” urged the bishop.

The service ended with the rite of consecration of water. The bishop generously sprinkled those present with Jordan water and sanctified for them the things they had brought for blessing. After a joint prayer, Bishop Mykola and Fr. Ihor also visited several families of our faithful in Darwin to bless and sprinkle their homes with newly sanctified water.

See also