June 8
Homily by Bishop Mykola Bychok on the First Day of the Pilgrimage in Canberra
June 2
Blessed Martyr Volodymyr Pryima
May 27
Pastoral visit to Tasmania
May 25
Homily by Fr. Andriy Mykytyuk on All Saints’ Sunday
May 19
The Feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit in Brisbane
May 19
“Ukraine lives where there is at least one Ukrainian, and God is where there is a soul with hope, kindness, and faith.” Fr. Ihor Holovko
May 19
The Missionary Decade. Day Ten — Sunday of Pentecost — “Our mission: to carry the Holy Spirit to others”
May 18
Homily by Fr. Yuriy Tychenok on the Feast of Pentecost
May 18
The Missionary Decade. Day Nine — “Tend my sheep”
May 17
The Missionary Decade. Day Eight — “Christian family is a domestic Church”
May 16
The Missionary Decade. Day Seven — “Community of prayer and mercy”
May 15
The Missionary Decade. Day Six — “Personal responsibility”