Father Andriy Mykytyuk and his family visited the faithful in New Zealand

August 23, 2023

From August 3rd to 18th, Father Andriy Mykytyuk, a syncellus for laity in the Eparchy of Melbourne, embarked on a mission pastoral journey to New Zealand. This journey was marked by prayer, meetings, conversations, and service to the Ukrainian faithful residing on this island.

Father Andriy Mykytyuk and his family visited the faithful in New Zealand

The journey began in the city of Auckland, and its route encompassed such cities as Hamilton, Rotorua, Queenstown, Dunedin, New Plymouth, Wellington, and Christchurch. In each of these cities, Father Andriy and his family met with the faithful, prayed for peace in Ukraine, and shared warm moments and spiritual impressions.

The faithful were especially united during the Liturgy for Peace in Ukraine, which Father Andriy celebrated in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch. The most striking moment was the prayer in Dunedin, where the faithful gathered for the Moleben for peace in Ukraine, expressing their collective hope for a better future.

The journey also became an occasion for two significant events during this time. Firstly, the baptism of a newborn child born for a life in God and with God through the Mysteries of Christian Initiation. Secondly, the Mystery of Marriage was received by Yarema and Lida, who formed a new family founded on spiritual values and faith.

This mission trip became truly unforgettable not only for Father Andriy but also for all Ukrainians in New Zealand. The faithful felt the spiritual support and blessings that strengthen them in these challenging times of historical trials.

All the shared prayers were accompanied by the voice of Olesia, Fr. Andriy’s wife, and the children assisted in the service, serving during the Liturgy.

As the journey concluded, everyone bid farewell with great hope for a soon reunion. The desire to gather again, pray, and communicate passed through every heart, reflecting the deep need for spiritual connection.

Father Andriy assured the faithful that such missionary trips will take place at least several times a year, providing support and spiritual guidance to our parishioners in New Zealand during these challenging times.


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